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03-06-19, 07:43 PM
My name is Terry
Been scrolling the internet looking for somewhere to talk I suppose. Dont think im ready to sit in a room with a counsellor and poor my heart out its not really me. I do feel though that its time to at least sit at a computer and write down a few things that are bothering me and if someone happens to read it and maybe has some advice for me then thats great. Im not the best at talking about myself so not really sure what to say other than life feels hard sometimes and I feel like I should cope better than what I do. I hate being around lots of people and hate any kind of social gatherings which of course do crop up from time to time. I feel awkward and out of place and would just much rather be at home. I can handle small family get togethers as theres not as much pressure to act or be a certain way. Im married and have two grown up children my life has been good but something is missing maybe or not right I dont really know I just dont feel normal. I get anxious and nervous about all sorts of things I dont have much energy and lack motivation. I have been taking anti depressants on and off for years. Feel like im better so stop taking them then decide to give them another try.
Not really sure how to get out of this rut.

03-06-19, 08:38 PM
Hi and welcome to DWD. Have you been to see your Dr recently? Do you have a support network around you? Do you work? What about eating and drinking sensibly and getting some exercise? Sorry, loads of questions, but it does help!

03-06-19, 08:39 PM
Hi and welcome :] I think you’ll find a fair few of us understand completely how you feel about social gatherings......

When was the last time you had a review with your doctor? An honest conversation with your GP might help you to work out what to do, perhaps booking a double appointment would be a good idea.

03-06-19, 09:10 PM
I havent been to a doc for awhile last time maybe a year ago, was going through a crappy time and my wife convinced me to go. Im recently retired and feel like now is the time to be relaxed and enjoy life but not as easy as it sounds. I have a lovely family but dont want to burden or bog them down with my misery. My wife is a fabulous support Im worried its all a bit much for her.

03-06-19, 09:12 PM
Hi Terry welcome to DWD, I think a fair number of us have had problems in social situations. Have you spoken to your doctor lately?

03-06-19, 10:12 PM
I havent been to a doc for awhile last time maybe a year ago, was going through a crappy time and my wife convinced me to go. Im recently retired and feel like now is the time to be relaxed and enjoy life but not as easy as it sounds. I have a lovely family but dont want to burden or bog them down with my misery. My wife is a fabulous support Im worried its all a bit much for her.
Would you go back to see your Dr? Are you being open and honest with your wife? I promise it's easier to deal with things when you know what they are. It's not a burden to your family - would you want them to not tell you and let you help support them if they were poorly? It's no different...