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16-11-18, 11:16 AM

ive no idea what to type here. I just wanted to know I'm not alone in knowing there are other dealing with MH issues. Although Im not sure what knowing this will change.

had a major and totally bonkers breakdown yesterday. whizzed into hospital but managed to get out last night. I 've never experienced anything like this and never want to be in that space again. The guilt today is overwhelming.

16-11-18, 11:22 AM
Hi and welcome. Can I ask why you feel guilty?

16-11-18, 11:45 AM
HI and thank you, the guilt is about the fact my other half was worried and is looking really stressed today about how to help. he also has mild depression and doesn't need my stupidity and failing being added to his worries. hes a good man who desont deserve this mess

16-11-18, 12:22 PM


16-11-18, 01:36 PM
It's not you being stupid and failing, it's you being ill. He worries because he loves you. Talk to him so he understands what is going on with you lovely (panda)

16-11-18, 05:08 PM
Hi and welcome to the group. Sweetheart I promise you that you weren't "stupid" or "failing." You are poorly... (panda)

16-11-18, 07:54 PM
Hi and welcome (hi). What’s the next steps? Have you got an appointment with your GP?

16-11-18, 11:12 PM
Hi (hi) you're not well so don't feel guilty as Paula says have you got an appointment to see your doctor since you had the meltdown?

18-11-18, 10:08 AM
thanks everyone.
I had a meltdown and can't remember much of it. Started around midday Thursday, I thought it was a heart attack then son realized what was happening. I rang the docs but they couldn't help. they did try as far as Im told. I came home and have no idea what happened. I do know the paramedics found me in a field accross from my home. I was released from hospital around 11PM. The last 30 mins of being in hospital I rmemeber. My other half was there and they said as soon as he arrived I settled.
he was working 200 miles away and got to hospital 10PMish

soon realized*

hi, seen my GP yesterday. I've been given antidepressant and awaiting an appoint with a psych team locally.
I feel they are looking after me but I'm a 50years old lady I should be able to do that myself.
It's so odd not knowing what happened in a day of your life. I do know I decorated the garden with loo roll, I trashed my home and lay in a muddy paddock with horses. totally bonkers..... never thought I could be in that situation.

18-11-18, 10:25 AM
I'm 71 years old and in my 40's had a similar incident hated where I was working set off to work and never got there just wandered around not knowing what I was doing crossed busy roads oblivious to traffic finally ended up home in tears. In my 20's working nights set out for work never got there just went on different buses and finished up wandering about in tears not knowing what I was doing.

You're not well and it is good people are looking after you. (bear)

18-11-18, 11:18 AM
Hi(hi) I'm 66 yrs old, and believe me when I say that strange things happen when you have depression. Age doesn't come into it and we all need looking after sometimes. You've done the right thing by going to the Dr's. and having anti D's. Take advantage of any help that is offered to you. I'm sure this episode will pass and hopefully you'll be back to your old self again soon.(bear)

18-11-18, 12:04 PM
Hello, sweetheart. Please, please don’t feel guilty or ashamed of what happened. You’re ill and needed help, and you got that help. Not everyone could have managed that alone. As for not remembering, maybe that’s your brain protecting you from the horrible bits of the day. You’re safe and getting treatment and support now - that’s all that matters (panda)

Hunni, I’ve merged your three posts as they were posted within a short timeframe of each other.

18-11-18, 02:04 PM
So glad you are getting help and support. Believe me we all need it at times and also know that we all have that feeling of, I never thought this would happen to me, but it did and here we get to help each other thru it. X

18-11-18, 03:29 PM
Hi(hi) I'm 66 yrs old, and believe me when I say that strange things happen when you have depression. Age doesn't come into it and we all need looking after sometimes. You've done the right thing by going to the Dr's. and having anti D's. Take advantage of any help that is offered to you. I'm sure this episode will pass and hopefully you'll be back to your old self again soon.(bear)

Perfect post there Flo I'm older and not wiser than you, but as you say age doesn't come in to it.

The brain has great power but can do strange things, it is what being human is all about (bear)

18-11-18, 03:52 PM
what a lovely group of people you all are. Thank you all for taking the time to reply and so kindly.

I understand age isn't relevant, I hope I didn't offend anyone with that. I guess I'm learning that none of us could have predicted our situations and that they are individual.

18-11-18, 07:22 PM
You haven't offended anyone lovely.

18-11-18, 08:19 PM
Hi hunni, no one here would be offended by any of your posts so far! You seem like a very lovely lady! The most important thins is that you are getting the help that you need

19-11-18, 09:22 AM
How are you this morning?

21-11-18, 05:36 PM
Hi Paula, thank you for saking.
Im feeling a bit more human if not fuzzy. I think the meds are kicking in... not sure I like them but finally I see I need some form of help to get through this.
today I had my first psych appt. lovely doc who listened and didn't probe, she seemed to understand me and asked what I wanted and not what I needed.
She said I would see her weekly ofr 6 weeks and horse "mind counselor" who would meet me for coffee and chats..... im liking this !

not sure it will work but Ill try xx

21-11-18, 05:37 PM
thank you Suzi, Im set never to offfend in my head but i fail on occasion x

21-11-18, 06:57 PM
I'm so glad that the appointment went well. She sounds brilliant!
Glad the meds are kicking in and you can see the wood for the trees now.