View Full Version : Quiz ep. 6 (16/10/2018)
16-10-18, 03:47 PM
Quiz episode 6 (16/10/2018)
No use of Google, Bing or any other online search engines, no use of Wikipedia or any other online encyclopedias or dictionaries.
Friends, family and pets may help.
Please do NOT post answers/spoilers/hints etc.
Please pm (private message) me (OldMike) your answers.
Closing date Sunday 28th October 2018 @ 23:59 GMT (UTC).
1. In which year was X Factor first broadcast?
2. How many players are on a cricket field during normal play?
3. What fruit comes from a rose?
4. The river Danube flows out in to which sea?
5. Which gas puts bubbles in to bottled fizzy drinks?
6. What gift was forthcoming on the tenth day of Christmas (according to the carol)?
7. The Harlem Globe Trotters are famous in which sport?
8. Who is older Richard Branson or William Hague?
9. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious comes from which Disney movie?
10. How many noughts are there in the written number ten million?
11. Which month of the year in Britain contains the longest day?
12. Copies of the Bible are left in hotel rooms by which religious organisation?
13. Who wrote the play A winter's Tale?
14. What do the initials M.B.E. (in honours) stand for?
15. What have you betrayed if you commit treason?
16. Who was swallowed by a whale in the Bible?
17. Gareth Bale left Tottenham Hotspur to join which club in 2013?
18. Which musician had the nickname "Satchmo"?
19. Who played Jamie Bell's teacher in the movie Billie Eliot?
20. What is the children's version of backgammon called?
21. Which boy band came third in The X factor (2010)?
22. Which scientific word deals with the structure of the body?
23. Debra Messing played which character in Will and Grace?
24. What does a chronometer measure?
25. Chichester is the county town of which county?
26. Jerez in Spain is famous for which alcoholic drink?
27. In crime what do the letters A.B.H. stand for?
28. In a bull fight what name is given to the person who kills the bull?
29. Which is the lower house in British politics?
30. What is the German word for the number five?
16-10-18, 05:09 PM
Bloody hell Mike! I actually know a lot of them!!!!
Looks great! Thank you Mike!
16-10-18, 07:35 PM
Is anyone else singing the 12 days of Christmas or is that just me? Can't remember much past 7 amd I used to sing it all the time in the choir at school!
Yes Jaq, and Supercali.....
Winning answers submitted by my team! :) Thanks Mike, we had a great time!
16-10-18, 10:28 PM
Arrrgggghhh only just went upstairs to go to the bathroom before I got my evening hot choc and just popped in my compy room to check up on DWD and Team Suzi have already submitted their winning (so she says (nerd)) answers.
They are mighty fine answers I am sure of that!
They might be mighty fine but are they correct? ;)
17-10-18, 11:17 AM
They might be mighty fine but are they correct? ;)
I couldn't possibly say :x but as the only entry (so far) Suzi is in pole position.
They might be mighty fine but are they correct? ;)
EVERY answer I give is correct, it's just whether the question matches that answer.....
I couldn't possibly say :x but as the only entry (so far) Suzi is in pole position.
Woohoo! Go me! Go my team of awesomeness!
17-10-18, 04:36 PM
We could do a reverse quiz I give the answers and you work out the questions (giggle)
I couldn't possibly say :x but as the only entry (so far) Suzi is in pole position.
And that is why I won’t submit my answers for a week or so, to give Suzi some time at the top of the table (rofl)
17-10-18, 06:31 PM
And that is why I won’t submit my answers for a week or so, to give Suzi some time at the top of the table (rofl)
I could close the quiz early to spoil your strategy leaving you up the creek without a paddle, would I be that evil!? ;) (giggle)
Please, please close the quiz early!!!!
18-10-18, 05:06 PM
Please, please close the quiz early!!!!
The quiz will remain open until Team Princess Sparkles (with or without the help of 'The Gravyman') has submitted their entry this is in accordance with the small print in the quiz rules which states that a member of royalty must be allowed to enter the quiz, else the Quiz Master may be imprisoned in the tower for treason if the're prevented from entering (rofl)
Respect and homage. Just as befits my rank ;)
The quiz will remain open until Team Princess Sparkles (with or without the help of 'The Gravyman') has submitted their entry this is in accordance with the small print in the quiz rules which states that a member of royalty must be allowed to enter the quiz, else the Quiz Master may be imprisoned in the tower for treason if the're prevented from entering (rofl)
Erm, but I hold the rank of "Boss lady".....
18-10-18, 10:22 PM
Erm, but I hold the rank of "Boss lady".....
Lol. You lot make me smile. X
Give the quiz a go! It doesn't matter if you get 1 right or all of them right. The only thing that matters is beating Team Sparkles......
19-10-18, 05:32 PM
Come on guys we need more quiz entries first prize is a night out with Old Mike and second prize is two nights out with Old Mike just think if 30 people enter the 30th runner up gets to spend a month with yours truly (rofl)
Phwoar, a night out with our own stud muffin Mike? I didn't know that was the prize! Now I know I have to win!
Pah! The stud muffin is mine! :)
You seem ridiculously sure of yourself....
20-10-18, 11:34 AM
You seem ridiculously sure of yourself....
(rofl) The Princess hasn't even entered and as they say you've "gotta be in it to win it" and "there's many a slip 'tween question and answer" (rofl)
You seem ridiculously sure of yourself....
Evidence to date bears me out ;)
20-10-18, 05:16 PM
Evidence to date bears me out ;)
Can't argue with that, the standing so far is.
Team Princess Sparkles 3 wins.
Team Boss lady 1 win.
Team Baker of Noms (Flo) 1 win
Mike I can't help but notice that the quiz is still open......
21-10-18, 03:00 PM
Mike I can't help but notice that the quiz is still open......
The quiz will be closing in five - four - three - two - one
Houston we have a problem stop the countdown Mike, the Princess hasn't entered yet.
Latest update the countdown to quiz closure has stopped at the one second mark and we are on hold waiting for Team Sparkles to suit up and enter the Rocket of Quizdom.
This is unprecedented for the rocket of quiz closure to be stood down at such a late moment.
(rofl) it’ll be in before the end of the day. Perhaps the secret to my success is that I take my time (rofl)
Start the countdown - my answers are IN!
21-10-18, 05:20 PM
Answers gratefully received Paula.
Calling more quizzers *shouts is anybody there* I wouldn't like anyone to miss out on the fun that is the DWD quiz.
Flo you giving it a try so far you've entered one and won one that's 100% so give it a go.
Ground control to Major Tom put your thinking head on,
Enter your answers take your protein pills and go on,
We're heading for planet Quizzical,
Oh yeah, let's get physical.
Altogether now let's sing along.
25-10-18, 11:59 AM
A question for the next quiz (giggle)
What's a woman's "yet"?
Apparently a woman got shot yesterday (no not really) and the bullet is still in her yet (rofl)
Answers on a postcard to Old Mike (giggle)
Is the quiz still open??'s a different one! ....I don't know them all but I'll have a bash!....wait for meeeeee!!!!
25-10-18, 05:51 PM
Is the quiz still open??'s a different one! ....I don't know them all but I'll have a bash!....wait for meeeeee!!!!
I'm waiting Flo though from your pm it looks like you mislaid the answers, I've got a copy of Paula's and Suzi's answers as text files using Notepad so if I lose the pm's in DWD then I've still got a copy unless my hard drive goes kaboom.
Edit: Flo I'll keep the quiz open until you enter can't let those young upstarts Suzi and Paula have it all their own way ;) (giggle)
26-10-18, 04:36 PM
Go Flo! Go Flo! Go Flo!
Go Team Flo (party)
26-10-18, 06:43 PM
Flo has now entered (party)
Provisionally Quiz 6 will close at midnight Sunday 28th Oct BUT if anyone would like to enter and needs more time I can easily extend it it a short while, either post here or pm me if you require an extension :)
I noticed I posted Go Team Flo earlier.
So in the interest of fair play and in the spirit of the DWD quiz I must add the following.
Go Team Sparkles.
Go Team Boss Lady
Go Team (insert your favourite team name here)
26-10-18, 06:46 PM
I have most of my answers done...
OOOO it's even more exciting!
27-10-18, 01:00 PM
My answers are in!!!
27-10-18, 02:35 PM
Go Team Jaq :)
Added closing date to first post.
Closing date Sunday 28th October 2018 @ 23:59 GMT (UTC).
There's still time to enter and if you notify me on this thread or by pm (private message) that you need more time I can defer the closing date :)
30-10-18, 10:12 AM
Must look in to marking the quiz now that all entries are in, trouble with being retired you don't have much spare time to do bugger all (giggle)
30-10-18, 10:29 AM
30-10-18, 05:11 PM
Quiz episode 6 (16/10/2018) - Answers
1. In which year was X Factor first broadcast? - 2004
2. How many players are on a cricket field during normal play? - 13 (11 on the fielding side and 2 batsmen)
3. What fruit comes from a rose? - Hip
4. The river Danube flows out in to which sea? - Black Sea
5. Which gas puts bubbles in to bottled fizzy drinks? Carbon dioxide
6. What gift was forthcoming on the tenth day of Christmas (according to the carol)? - Ten Lords a Leaping
7. The Harlem Globe Trotters are famous in which sport? - Basketball
8. Who is older Richard Branson or William Hague? - Richard Branson
9. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious comes from which Disney movie? - Mary Poppins
10. How many noughts are there in the written number ten million? - Seven
11. Which month of the year in Britain contains the longest day? - June
12. Copies of the Bible are left in hotel rooms by which religious organisation? - Gideons
13. Who wrote the play A winter's Tale? - Shakespeare
14. What do the initials M.B.E. (in honours) stand for? - Member (of the order) of the British Empire
15. What have you betrayed if you commit treason? - Country
16. Who was swallowed by a whale in the Bible? - Jonah
17. Gareth Bale left Tottenham Hotspur to join which club in 2013? - Real Madrid
18. Which musician had the nickname "Satchmo"? - Louis Armstrong
19. Who played Jamie Bell's teacher in the movie Billie Eliot? - Julie Walters
20. What is the children's version of backgammon called? - Ludo *
21. Which boy band came third in The X factor (2010)? - One Direction
22. Which scientific word deals with the structure of the body? - Anatomy
23. Debra Messing played which character in Will and Grace? - Grace
24. What does a chronometer measure? - Time
25. Chichester is the county town of which county? - West Sussex (1/2 point for Sussex)
26. Jerez in Spain is famous for which alcoholic drink? - Sherry
27. In crime what do the letters A.B.H. stand for? - Actual Bodily Harm
28. In a bull fight what name is given to the person who kills the bull? - Matador
29. Which is the lower house in British politics? - House of Commons
30. What is the German word for the number five? - Funf
* The person who gave Backpiglet as the answer to question 20 gets half a point for lateral thinking and humour, it might not be a game but should be (giggle)
30-10-18, 05:29 PM
The winner of Quiz 6 by a small margin with 28 points is, cue music video:-
(party) Paula (Team Sparkles) (party)
I swear there's some cheating going on!!!!
yay congrats team sparkles.....
Thanks Mike for running the quiz! I know they take time to write and to mark.
30-10-18, 06:07 PM
I mean congrats...
Thank you, Mike, for my fanfare - obviously due to me as a Princess! I should thank my husband, my father, my daughter, but I’m not! This win is ALL MINE (party)
I smell a rat!!.....Congratulations "Princess- 'I've swallowed the entire Encyclopedia Britannica' - Sparkles!!(smoke)
31-10-18, 06:07 PM
I smell a rat!!.....Congratulations "Princess- 'I've swallowed the entire Encyclopedia Britannica' - Sparkles!!(smoke)
I might have to deduct a few points off people who've eaten the Encyclopedia Britannica so we have an even playing field (smoke) *puffs on his quiz master's pipe* (rofl)
Where’s the proof?? Huh??
*points to the odd bits left over from being dipped in relish* The proof!
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