View Full Version : Quiz ep. 5 (17/09/2018)
17-09-18, 11:38 AM
Quiz episode 5 (17/09/2018)
No use of Google, Bing or any other online search engines, no use of Wikipedia or any other online encyclopedias or dictionaries.
Friends, family and pets may help.
Please do NOT post answers/spoilers/hints etc.
Please pm (private message) me (OldMike) your answers.
Closing date Sunday 7th October 2018 at 23:59 (that's one minute to midnight ;)).
1. Which creature do French sports fans traditionally let loose before the start of a big match?
2. Which king unveiled the Victoria memorial (in London)?
3. What is made by a testatator?
4. Who telephoned Neil Armstrong during his first moon walk?
5. Which novelist had three novels adapted to films by Alfred Hitchcock?
6. Which wine growing region is divided in to Baja, Alta and Alavesa?
7. What does fibrin cause to happen in blood?
8. What year did Buddy Holly die?
9. Which top selling singer song writer was born May 5, 1981, in Southampton?
10. Which director appeared in the movie "The Blues Brothers"?
11. In which century was the Taj Mahal constructed?
12. A Bordelaise sauce is flavoured by which vegetable?
13. Ben Nevis is in which mountain range?
14. Where would you probably be looking at a Snellen chart?
15. In bingo what are numbers ending in zero called?
16. What do Sunderland and Benfica football clubs share?
17. Who is the patron saint of Venice?
18. What are Mycerinus and Cheprun the second two greatest of?
19. What would you be eating if you ate a Spanish chorizo?
20. Which scientist first discovered the composition of air?
21. Which Celebrity Big Brother winner wrote "Living the Dream, My Story"?
22. Which letter and number represent the vitamin riboflavin?
23. Derby, Pelham and Russell have all been what?
24. Who was John the Baptist's father?
25. Alan Stubbs broke his two spells at Everton by playing for which football club?
26. Euston became Britain's first railway station to have what in 1848?
27. In 1921 which political party burnt down Dublin's Custom House?
28. Which part of the body is protected by puttees?
29. Which river flows through six different European countries?
30. What is the main ingredient in an Indian raita?
17-09-18, 04:55 PM
Wow! That’s a tough one!
Get your thinking cap on and don't drop the ball ;) I'm sure you'll rise to the challenge (whew)
17-09-18, 07:47 PM
Wow!!! A toughie!! Not sure I'll come up with many answers. Eeeks.
That's really tough! I can answer about 2! I'm hoping my team are feeling more brainy than I am!
17-09-18, 10:00 PM
Just spotted a typo in question 2 "Which king unveiled the Victorial memorial (in London)?" I've changed it to read "Which king unveiled the Victoria memorial (in London)?", how come I check through the post and these errors escape me. But enough of my prattling I'm sure you'll all do extremely well at answering these questions as the standards of the answers in the previous quizzes has been extremely high, the main thing is you have fun (party)
19-09-18, 11:26 AM
First quiz entry in with some very interesting answers (think), so come on guys let's have more entries and if you don't know the answer make something up and you could be right ;)
I need to chat to the team, but I think I can answer one (rofl)
My team and I have submitted the obviously winning answers...... (as long as we get bonus points for hilarity!)
19-09-18, 03:34 PM
My team and I have submitted the obviously winning answers...... (as long as we get bonus points for hilarity!)
You get bonus points for submitting the first entry plus loads and loads of points for hilarity (rofl)
When are you going to translate the questions into English!!!(emo)
You get bonus points for submitting the first entry plus loads and loads of points for hilarity (rofl)
So I should win by a mile then!
20-09-18, 11:06 AM
So I should win by a mile then!
Suzi I can categorical say at this moment in time you're streets ahead of the opposition, mainly because you're the only entry (giggle)
Woohoo! Currently winning! Hoorah!
21-09-18, 12:33 PM
When are you going to translate the questions into English!!!(emo)
Now that'd be too easy Flo ;) But I will accept answers in English (pirate) arrr I will (giggle)
Ahoy ye quizzers ye be scawlin' answers on th' dead man's chest and I'll divvy up mug o' grog for th' winner arrrr that I will, what say ye Polly, "squawk, squawk that be true me hearties" Polly replied.
21-09-18, 07:57 PM
Mike you're a bloody sadist!!!
23-09-18, 12:06 PM
Mike you're a bloody sadist!!!
It's easier than you think ;) I got full marks (rofl)
Hot off the press Princess Sparkles answers arrive strapped to the leg of a golden eagle, well as befits her royal status she does nothing by half measures ;)
Pfft! Eagle.. show off...
Golden Eagle - and she had to fly over the ocean (well the Solent) to get there ;)
FTR my parents were temporarily seconded to Team Sparkles and my dad (the King of useless knowledge) was stumped (rofl)
24-09-18, 11:14 AM
So team Sparkles had call in back up aka the King of Useless Knowledge, well things are getting serious now (giggle)
You called in the king? Lol
What can I say? I’m competitive ;)
25-09-18, 07:50 PM
We need more competitors for the DWD quiz, don't let Suzi and Paula rule the roost, your quiz master needs you :)
26-09-18, 05:37 PM
Paula I may have to have this question in an up and coming quiz (Paula's fb followers will get this).
What is a gravyman?
Answers on a postcard to Old Mike's Towers (rofl)
(rofl) I thought you might ask! My dad is super competitive and, quite frankly, a cheat at most games (I know! We are soooo different!). One family game of boggle in the 1980s, pre Google, He was determined to add gravyman (which would have been a huge pointer) into the OED. He had a backstory that lasted about 30 minutes in the telling. Since then, every scrabble or boggle game he’s ever played have included efforts to make gravyman a legit word. So far the OED have not come calling (giggle)
26-09-18, 10:41 PM
Seems a perfectly acceptable word to me, wasn't there a group called Echo and the Gravymen (giggle)
27-09-18, 10:20 AM
Your quiz master needs you (I've said it before and I'll say it again, oh no not again (giggle) ) come on guys was going to close the quiz this weekend though may extend it.
29-09-18, 05:05 PM
I shall provisionally extend the closing date of the quiz for a week I'd originally planned (though not posted) to close it this Sunday, so unless the two quiz entrants (so far) think differently I'll close it a week on Sunday that is Sunday 7th October 2018.
I’m ok with it, I’m still going to win :)
29-09-18, 07:05 PM
I’m ok with it, I’m still going to win :)
I like your confidence :) let's see what Suzi has to say ;)
I'm happy to wait! After all my success shall be legendary!
If by success you mean failure ....
(rofl)(rofl)(rofl) Probably!
30-09-18, 10:58 AM
If by success you mean failure ....
We do not use the F-word here for we are all winners :)
What, just some are more winning than others? (rofl)(rofl)(rofl)
30-09-18, 11:08 AM
What, just some are more winning than others? (rofl)(rofl)(rofl)
Exactly right Suzi we have winners and WINNERS (giggle)
Wow! That’s a tough one!
When the going gets tough the tough get going ;)
01-10-18, 12:13 PM
Sorry guys but I'm going have to use the Q-word, yep only 6 days before the quiz closes.
02-10-18, 06:03 PM
Come on guys (and girls) make my day and enter the quiz, it's fun and free and who can resist free fun (party)
06-10-18, 11:37 AM
Passerby: Hey Mike do you know there's a DWD quiz?
Mike: I sure do and believe it is a stupendously fun quiz.
Passerby: That's awesome Mike think I'll enter.
Mike: Please do, there's still time to enter.
Passerby: I'll get to it right now.
Mike: Make sure you do buddy as the sands of the hourglass of quizziness run out in just over a day.
Come on guys! I could do with some competition (I don’t want anyone *Cough Suzi*) to be able to claim I won through lack of entries - I’d much prefer to beat all of you, which I will do, obviously :)
06-10-18, 04:54 PM
Woohoo another quiz entry has just arrived from Jaq so it's now a three way battle, getting exciting isn't it ;)
In true quiz master style I can say no more till the answers are marked and totaled :x
06-10-18, 05:13 PM
I wouldn't exactly say battle! Half of my answers were blank and the rest were a combination of guesses and silly answers!!!
*cough* you didn't see what my team entered! (rofl) *cough*
08-10-18, 11:55 AM
Still time to enter, I've been messing with docs appointments this morn so not got round to marking the quiz yet, I'll be off out for lunch shortly so feel free to enter up to the time I make the grand announcement of who attained the pinnacle of quizdom.
08-10-18, 05:05 PM
Quiz episode 5 - Answers
1. Which creature do French sports fans traditionally let loose before the start of a big match? - Cockerel
2. Which king unveiled the Victoria memorial (in London)? - George V
3. What is made by a testatator? - Will
4. Who telephoned Neil Armstrong during his first moon walk? - Richard Nixon
5. Which novelist had three novels adapted to films by Alfred Hitchcock? - Daphne du Maurier
6. Which wine growing region is divided in to Baja, Alta and Alavesa? - Rioja
7. What does fibrin cause to happen in blood? - Clot
8. What year did Buddy Holly die? - 1959
9. Which top selling singer song writer was born May 5, 1981, in Southampton? Craig David
10. Which director appeared in the movie "The Blues Brothers"? - Steven Spielberg
11. In which century was the Taj Mahal constructed? - 17th
12. A Bordelaise sauce is flavoured by which vegetable? - Shallot
13. Ben Nevis is in which mountain range? - Grampians
14. Where would you probably be looking at a Snellen chart? - Optician's
15. In bingo what are numbers ending in zero called? - Blind (eg. 2 0 blind twenty)
16. What do Sunderland and Benfica football clubs share? - Grounds called 'The Stadium of Light'
17. Who is the patron saint of Venice? - St Mark
18. What are Mycerinus and Cheprun the second two greatest of? - The Great Pyramids of Giza
19. What would you be eating if you ate a Spanish chorizo? - Sausage
20. Which scientist first discovered the composition of air? - Joseph Priestly
21. Which Celebrity Big Brother winner wrote "Living the Dream, My Story"? - Chantelle Houghton
22. Which letter and number represent the vitamin riboflavin? - B2
23. Derby, Pelham and Russell have all been what? - British Prime Ministers
24. Who was John the Baptist's father? - Zacharias
25. Alan Stubbs broke his two spells at Everton by playing for which football club? - Sunderland
26. Euston became Britain's first railway station to have what in 1848? - W H Smiths
27. In 1921 which political party burnt down Dublin's Custom House? - Sinn Fein
28. Which part of the body is protected by puttees? - Lower legs
29. Which river flows through six different European countries? - Danube
30. What is the main ingredient in an Indian raita? - Yoghurt
08-10-18, 05:29 PM
With an awesome 19 points,
the winner of Quiz 5 is :-
(party) Paula (party)
Woohoo!! The King of Useless Knowledge strikes again (party)
08-10-18, 07:01 PM
Woohoo!! The King of Useless Knowledge strikes again (party)
I think you had "The Gravyman" on your team and that made all the difference (rofl)
Mike I've put the answers here rather than at the end of the fab 5's ;)
Congratulations Paula.....
10-10-18, 03:53 PM
Mike I've put the answers here rather than at the end of the fab 5's ;)
A big thanks to all who took part in the quiz without you I'd just be talking to myself (talk)
I often talk to myself lol
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