View Full Version : Quiz ep. 3 (04/08/2018)
04-08-18, 05:56 PM
Quiz episode 3 (04/08/2018)
No Googling, Binging or use of any other online search engines, no use of Wikipedia or other online encyclopedias or dictionaries.
Friends, family and pets may help.
Please do NOT post answers/spoilers/hints etc.
Please pm (private message) me (OldMike) your answers.
Closing date Sunday 19th August 2018 time 23:59.
1. Actor Robert Carlyle led The Full Monty as which character?
2. What does a Catholic call the string of beads used for praying?
3. In 1851, what was invented by Isaac Singer?
4. In what type of establishment was Educating Rita set?
5. In the bible, which king tried to get the baby Jesus put to death?
6. Which presenter replaced Barry Norman on BBC's film program?
7. What's the highest rank in Poker Dice?
8. In cartoons what type of animal is sylvester?
9. Which letter represents 007's boss?
10. Which fish leap up rivers to get to their spawning grounds?
11. What name did Courtney Cox add to her name after marrying actor David?
12. In which country did saunas originate?
13. A shuttlecock is used in which game?
14. What is measured by a pedometer?
15. How many creatures give their names to Chinese years?
16. Who wrote the best selling How to be a Domestic Goddess?
17. How many decades are there in a millennium?
18. Which comedy was set in Wenham Hogg paper merchants.
19. What is the French word for the number eight?
20. In which area of London is there a famous annual carnival?
21. If put in an alkaline solution, what colour does litmus paper become?
22. Which animal lives in a drey?
23. If December 1st is a Tuesday, how many Wednesdays are there in the month?
24. In which country was Beethoven born?
25. For which sport is Sam Torrence famous?
26. The plant Belladonna is also known as?
27. The Matrix Reloaded was the first sequel to which movie?
28. The month March is named after which god?
29. Leonardo da Vinchi's religious painting featured 'The Last ...' what?
30. What colour is connected to neutral in modern three-core electric cable?
Oh Quiz Master ...... if I (hypothetically) had the dvd of a hypothetical film and happened to watch said hypothetical film (just by chance) and then got the answer to a question at any point either now or in the future, is that against the rules? ;)
04-08-18, 09:56 PM
Hypothetically if you already had the DVD and hypothetically accidentally happened to watch it then that is okay ;)
BUT if you in a premeditated manner went out and purchased or rented the movie in physical (DVD/Blu-ray) or digital form or streamed it knowing that the answer to a quiz question may be contained within, then that would be against the rules and spirit of the quiz and I would have to whip out my quiz master's red pen and strike out the answer and issue a formal warning and deduct 5 points.
The above is just hypothetical as I know no Princess would ever employ such devious tactics ;)
Hypothetically I can watch the movie too as it's on our server?
05-08-18, 08:27 AM
After discussion with my legal team it was decided hypothetically that it is permissible to watch a movie (which may or may not have the hypothetical answer to a hypothetical quiz question) that is stored on a personal server providing you watch the WHOLE movie and do NOT skip through just to find a hypothetical answer to a hypothetical question.
Light bulb idea, in the next quiz a question about the etymology of the word hypothetical its uses and derivation may or may not be include this is of course purely hypothetical ;)
Watch the whole of The Full Monty? Not a problem! It came out when I was 7 months pregnant with Katie and I was laughing so hard the woman next to me in the cinema was worried I’d go into labour (rofl)
Mike from Team Shaw, thank you so much! We had a great time with this quiz! We have submitted our winning answers!
06-08-18, 08:51 AM
Yesterday I popped in to DWD to have a look around prior to making a cup of hot choc and what should pop in to my inbox a pm entitled "The winning quiz answers!" well DWD quizzers the gauntlet has been well and truly thrown down.
So take up the challenge and submit your "Winning quiz answers" and make this one hell of a stonking battle, erm got carried away there lets make this a fun quiz ;)
08-08-18, 05:31 PM
Being always faithful to the art of fun quizzes a little piece of music called Semper Fidelis (see what I did there you Latin scholars) (giggle)
Now after being energised by that superb piece of music don't you just want to type the DWD quiz answers on your beloved keyboard :)
I've just shared on FB too ;)
10-08-18, 09:50 AM
Quiz, quiz, quiz I so need a quiz.
Quiz, quiz, quiz where is this quiz.
Quiz, quiz, quiz it's here yes it's here.
Quiz, quiz, quiz, quizee, quiz, quiz.
Fun, fun, fun the DWD quiz is so much fun.
Run, run, run to the quiz and get it done, done, done
For we shall have fun when it is done, done, done.
Have I won now it is done, done, done.
It was fun and you may have won it.
You need to have done it to have won it.
If you don't done it then you won't won it.
Well you best done it so you can won it.
Tra la la the fairies are flying.
The quiz I'm trying.
For to win I'm striving.
But it is for fun I'm trying.
So enter the fun quiz.
It'll be a whiz.
And make your brain fizz.
You may get first prizz.
There's more, a lot, lot more.
So enter now don't tarry and snore.
You need to be awake.
For the quiz to take.
Enter now to stop this poetic rant.
Don't act like a spoilt elephant.
Do the quiz to please.
And this rant shall cease.
11-08-18, 11:16 AM
Sings one week to go only one week to go, I'm willing to give an extension if I'm assured there are going to be delayed entries due to personal circumstances.
Quick update Team Suzi is currently in first place I can say that without fear of contraception (eeps I shouldn't have worn my Hilda Baker outfit today (giggle)) as the only entry her team must be in the lead (hypothetically), so lets make this a contest to be written in the annals of time.
Cue dramatic music.
As the sun rises quizzers from DWD rouse from their slumbers and dive in to the far reaches of the unknown universe that is the DWD quiz.
What do we want today?
A quiz to lighten our way.
You've got one here if you may.
So do it NOW and don't delay.
It's free, you need not pay.
Hip hip hooray.
Make this your mantra for the day.
YAY I'm winning! :) Pfft Team Sparkles, I've got this! :)
Don’t get too cosy Boss Lady, I’m preparing to wow Mike with my awesomeness very soon (giggle)
It'd have to be seriously awesome to beat my awesomeness!
11-08-18, 04:31 PM
Wearing my passing bystander hat I'd have to say Team Sparkles has an awesome quiz reputation and Team Suzi should shaking in their boots ;)
Wearing my Quiz Master hat and armed with my quiz master pencil of rectitude I couldn't possible say :x
Pfft, no quaking going on here!
Give me an S, Give me a P, Give me an A, Give me an R, Give me a K, Give me an L, Give me an E, Give me an S! TEAM SPARKLES GO! (
11-08-18, 08:03 PM
Can't disagree with that (rofl) oops sorry must remain impartial (wasntme)
Oh FFS SOMEONE else enter! If I don't beat her, someone, anyone, please please knock her off the top spot!
12-08-18, 09:49 AM
Listen up me dearies, lack a day, lack a day forsooth 'tis a Sunday and Sunday is a FUN day and a fun day is (can you guess where I'm goin' ?) a quiz day. So strap yourself in for the sheer exhilarating fun that is the DWD quiz. A roller coaster of fun packed trivia which will get you in a spin and throw you in loops and make you scream out the answers to a multiplicity of obscure, arcane, simple and complex questions in the fun packed ride that is the DWD quiz. No height restrictions apply so whether you're knee high to a grasshopper or make a giraffe look like a midget this ride erm quiz is for you.
Of the 2 completed quizzes the winners are:
Team Suzi 1
Team Sparkles 1
No need to bother peeps! The winning answers have just been submitted! :)
13-08-18, 09:08 AM
I've just had another winning entry submitted (well that was the title of the entry;)) so that's two winning entries so far (for we are all winners in DWD quizland :))
We now have contest on our hands will it be Team Princess Sparkles or Team Boss Lady maybe there will be a mystery entry by "Team A Non" we wait with bated breath.
Ooooooo this is getting exciting *looks in to crystal ball* "The mists are clearing I can't quite see the quiz winner yet but I will by Monday next"
Please, please, please! Just don't let the Sparkles win again - she'll be unbearable! (rofl)
13-08-18, 12:45 PM
Do I have to start giving out free cinema tickets (a bit like compare the do dah dot com) to get more quiz entries? ;)
If I don't get more entries I'm going to put the audio for this video on repeat play over the DWD public address system (rofl)
They understand they don’t need to bother, obviously ;)
13-08-18, 03:49 PM
My doppelganger MikeOld may enter (I've just been twisting his arm, ouch that hurts ^) ) and I think he may get 30/30, I wonder why (giggle)
14-08-18, 10:48 AM
Give me a Q
Give me a u
Give me an i
Give me a z
And what have we got?
We've got a Quiz (party)
What do we want?
More entries.
So come on ye quizzers.
Enter without delay.
As you don't have to pay.
So do it today or tomorrow or any day up to and including Sunday 19th August 2018.
Great quizzers of the world go forth and keep quizzing.
15-08-18, 09:16 AM
Today in my quiz promotion I'm going to try swearing.
FFS join the quiz.
WTF we need more entries.
FML where have all the quizzers gone long time passing.
FMAL there's got to be more quiz entrants around.
I've had entries from two monumental quiz teams surely there are more out there or do I need to keep swearing (swear)
16-08-18, 05:10 PM
Today my quiz promotion is concentrating mainly on telepathy.
*sends out the message via psychic brain waves "Do the DWD Quiz now" *
Please, please no one bother with entering THE QUIZ as I’ve already won!
Pfft, I think you'll find I have!
17-08-18, 10:16 AM
*blows the shavings of a newly sharpened quiz masters pencil* now let me see shall I put a tick here or a cross, well I can't possibly say :x
Maybe neither of you have won *smirks* well there could be a last minute entry speeding towards me by hedgehog post (hedgehog)
18-08-18, 11:47 AM
*rings the bell* Last orderz only a day and half to enter the quiz if anyone needs more time post here or pm (personal message) me and I'll look on your request favourably and give you another week to enter.
Hooray I've nearly won ;)
19-08-18, 05:00 PM
Don't be too sure Suzi to paraphrase an old saying "Don't count your answers until they've been ticked by the quiz master's pencil" ;)
Pfft, I'd better win as I worked hard! :)
Mike?? Can you confirm my win yet??
19-08-18, 09:08 PM
I shall confirm the winner sometime tomorrow, I've an appointment with nursey for a blood test tomorrow morning then probably lunch out then I'll subject your submissions to the utmost scrutiny and announce the result later tomorrow.
Is it going to be Princess Sparkles' team or The Boss Lady's team, it is going down to the wire, will there be a a hung quiz (dead heat), will there be a request for a recount, will questions be asked in parliament!!?
So far the exit polls are inconclusive, it's the real result that counts. Who will be the new prime minister erm quiz winner (got carried away there) (giggle)
To be continued...
20-08-18, 07:47 AM
Though the quiz is officially now closed I will accept any last minute entries I receive before I post the winner :)
Off to the docs (blood test) bbl.
20-08-18, 10:24 AM
Quiz episode 3 (04/08/2018) - answers
1. Actor Robert Carlyle led The Full Monty as which character? - Gaz
2. What does a Catholic call the string of beads used for praying? - Rosary
3. In 1851, what was invented by Isaac Singer? - Sewing machine
4. In what type of establishment was Educating Rita set? - University
5. In the bible, which king tried to get the baby Jesus put to death? - Herod
6. Which presenter replaced Barry Norman on BBC's film program? - Jonathon Ross
7. What's the highest rank in Poker Dice? - Five of a kind
8. In cartoons what type of animal is sylvester? - Cat
9. Which letter represents 007's boss? - M
10. Which fish leap up rivers to get to their spawning grounds? - Salmon
11. What name did Courtney Cox add to her name after marrying actor David? -Arquette
12. In which country did saunas originate? - Finland
13. A shuttlecock is used in which game? - Badminton
14. What is measured by a pedometer? - Walking distance (steps)
15. How many creatures give their names to Chinese years? - 12
16. Who wrote the best selling How to be a Domestic Goddess? - Nigella Lawson
17. How many decades are there in a millennium? - 100
18. Which comedy was set in Wenham Hogg paper merchants. The Office
19. What is the French word for the number eight? - Huit
20. In which area of London is there a famous annual carnival? - Notting Hill
21. If put in an alkaline solution, what colour does litmus paper become? - Blue
22. Which animal lives in a drey? - Squirrel
23. If December 1st is a Tuesday, how many Wednesdays are there in the month? - Five (5)
24. In which country was Beethoven born? - Germany
25. For which sport is Sam Torrence famous? - Golf
26. The plant Belladonna is also known as?- Deadly nightshade
27. The Matrix Reloaded was the first sequel to which movie? - The Matrix
28. The month March is named after which god? - Mars
29. Leonardo da Vinchi's religious painting featured 'The Last ...' what? - Supper
30. What colour is connected to neutral in modern three-core electric cable? - Blue
20-08-18, 10:42 AM
Without further ado the winner of Quiz 3 is *drum roll*
(party) Paula (Team Princess Sparkles) (party)
A big thanks to all who took part.
Big laughs and much kudos to the one who gave the answer to question 25. "For which sport is Sam Torrence famous?" as "piracy and drag artists" So in the next Olympics I'll be watching a man dressed as woman with a wooden leg and a parrot on her shoulder shouting ahhh me hearties as she hops down the track (rofl)
I never doubted it for a minute!! I am a quiz genius (rofl)(party)
20-08-18, 11:58 AM
I never doubted it for a minute!! I am a quiz genius (rofl)(party)
I forgot to give the winner's point total (how remiss of me ;) ) *fanfare* it was a magnificent score of 28 points (out of 30) which claimed the crown (or tiara) for Paula's team (party)
20-08-18, 05:03 PM
All entries get treated in an unbiased manner (unless you email me some triple choc chip cookies (giggle) ).
With absolutely no link to your last post, Mike, here’s something I thought you’d appreciate ...... (
Pfft.. tis OK, I'll get her on the next one!
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