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Dad of boys
19-02-18, 10:55 PM
Hi there,

I just discovered this forum (through Google) and I thought it might be useful to join, and interact with like minded people.

A bit about me, I'm 32, live in the North of Scotland, married, and have a 3 year old son and another wee boy due in April. I work a lot of the time (I find it stops me feeling crap) as a result, my wheelie bin goes out more than I do! I was diagnosed with depression in November, I think I have had depression in 1 form or another since my mid teens, but it has become worse in the last 6 or so months.

I have been started on sertraline, and have started working through the living life CBT phone support/therapy service.

I am keenly aware that many of the problems I am dealing with are insignificant in comparison to those suffered by many others, but it is difficult for me, so, here I am.


S deleted
20-02-18, 02:16 AM
Hi and welcome to DWD. Depression doesn’t need a reason, it just is. Everyone reacts to things differently and depression can warp things in your mind so breaking a glass while washing up can feel like the end of the world. These feeling are very real and distressing to you so just as valid as the next persons issues.

20-02-18, 10:22 AM
Hi and welcome. Stella is completely right, nothing is more or less significant as it's what is affecting you... I'm glad you've seen the Dr and are having counselling.

20-02-18, 11:01 AM
Hi and welcome. Well done for getting help. There’s no overnight fix but you’ve taken your first steps. Are you able to,talk to family and friends do about this?

20-02-18, 02:23 PM
Hey there and welcome! I agree with the ladies above.
Its great that you are getting help, its the first step, good luck with everything, and congrats on baby #2 :)

20-02-18, 05:45 PM
Hi and welcome to DWD

Dad of boys
23-02-18, 10:01 PM
Thanks for the responses,

I am off of the sertraline tablets as they made me ill, using the living life cbt service.

I am a bit annoyed with how this spell of depression has evolved, I went from being tearful and feeling hopeless, to being irritable and feeling numb, is it strange to say I'd rather be tearful? I'd almost rather feel something and be able to express it, than be irritable.

I'm hoping that I can develop a better way of coping with how I feel and get over the parts of my past with cbt, hopefully find medication that suits me better.

Thanks for listening

24-02-18, 09:31 AM
Did you talk to your GP about stopping the meds? Have you thought about trying a different one?

Dad of boys
24-02-18, 07:10 PM
Talked to my gp, he suggested coming off of them, was on a low dose, maybe go back to see if there's something that suits better, feeling not as bad as before, but it's almost like waves, I will head down the way again.

24-02-18, 08:40 PM
Do go back and talk to them. What about something like counselling?

Dad of boys
25-02-18, 10:15 PM
I am starting the cognitive behaviour therapy this week, I will arrange to see my gp soon about a change of medication, I wasn't badly sick on sertraline, a bit nauseous and slightly slow vision, if I shifted my gaze, it would take a second for my eyes to focus on where I was looking, not much use in a driving job!

26-02-18, 08:34 AM
How long were you on them?

26-02-18, 11:03 AM
Pl ease talk to your dr. There are a lot of different ADs out there and you will react differently to each one