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16-01-18, 10:02 PM
Hi all New here
Having bad time. I isolated myself struggling to talk to anyone. Trusted my go but then lost the whole trust thing as the receptionist broke confidentiality.
Have a mental health worker but I pushed him a little and he backed off too so seeing him in a month.
I showed him the cut I did and he asked if I wanted stitches. I said no as I don't trust them. Then he said ok see you in a month as you say you are confused and don't know what I want.
I'm hurting inside and had to have a couple of drips up in the past. Hubby doesn't know the real reason for them. I feel so lost and low

16-01-18, 10:04 PM
im so sorry you are feeling this way :( *hugs* you have come to the right place.
there is a lot of support here!! Msg anyone of us anytime. xo xo <3

16-01-18, 10:31 PM
Hi there and welcome to DWD. I've added a warning to your thread title as you discuss self harm.

Sweetheart have you cleaned and dressed your wound?
If you feel unsafe can you call your crisis team or get emergency help?

16-01-18, 10:48 PM
Thank you for the welcomes and sorry for not adding warning.
I've cleaned them thanks. I cannot call anyone. I really don't trust them. I have been under the crisis and home base team but they said because I couldn't talk to them there was nothing they could do and discharged me.
I am fine thanks

16-01-18, 11:24 PM
Ok. I've only just joined here so not going into my background as yet just the last 2 months. These have been so hard for me. End of Nov I lost a good friend to a heart attack. Then the day of her funeral my pet died. A couple of weeks after that a young mum was murdered in her home a couple of doors down from me by her husband. Started to get my head round it all then my dad was rushed into hospital as his diabetes had got bad and his foot was bad so he needed amputation. He spent all Christmas in hospital. We spent most of the Christmas holidays in hospital. Then a couple of days later a mum from my child's drama class was murdered in a supermarket while she was working.
These are a few of recent happenings but a lot has happened I'm the past especially last year.
I have taken a few od's last year, none planned just spur of moment and si a fair few times these last few days.
I was having a couple dressed by the nurse and I told my husband that I was having blood tests as I said my blood levels were low. My husband rang gp to change his appointment to fit round mine and they told him I was having dressing change not blood test. Now my trust with the only place I trusted has gone. I can't get wounds checked. I am thinking of deregistering and not registering anywhere else. I was taking fluoxatine for my depression but stopped that end of last week after I had running with surgery. I.want help but don't trust anyone.
I am a mess grr

17-01-18, 08:08 AM
Sweetheart so you're not doubling up things and we aren't doubling up our thoughts I've merged both threads together so hopefully it'll make it easier...

Why haven't you told your husband how things really are for you?
What dose of fluoxetine were you on? Did you stop slowly or just stop cold turkey? You know that is going to make you feel worse, don't you? Please go and see your GP and tell them everything..

17-01-18, 10:58 AM
Hi Lily and welcome. You really have had it rough recently. I’m so sorry you’ve lost trust in your GP surgery but you really do need to be registering with someone. Please, please get that sorted, lovely. And I’m with Suzi, lease talk to your husband, be honest with him. You need his support (bear)

22-01-18, 08:05 PM
I really dont want to be registered anywhere, Can the surgery refuse to de register me. I spoke to the receptionist and she said she couldn't as I wasn't registering and put me through to the practice manager. I spoke to him and he was trying to put me off deregistering so he told me to put it in writing and he will sort something. I put it in writing to him and he knows about the confidentiality part as he spoke to the receptionist when it happened.
He mentioned about medications but I said if I need anything I will get it from the internet but I have taken myself off my fluoxetine so I wont be needing those.
All this has pushed me even lower than I was previous

22-01-18, 08:11 PM
Oh Lily please, please, please, please, please don't get medications from the internet. You have no idea what you are buying or what dosage they really are. PLEASE get registered with another GP, PLEASE?

22-01-18, 08:35 PM
I can only second what Suzi says - going down this route will only make you even more poorly (panda)

22-01-18, 08:52 PM
I do understand that with the internet
but can the gp refuse to remove you from their surgery please

22-01-18, 09:00 PM
I don’t know, hunni, we’re not medically or legally trained so your best bet is to contact someone like Citizens Advice https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/health/nhs-healthcare/nhs-patients-rights/#h-right-to-a-gp and ask for their help.

I know we are repeating ourselves here but it’s so important you get support and any prescribed medication from a GP.

23-01-18, 08:31 AM
Paula's right - get advice if you need it lovely. I don't want to give misinformation...

S deleted
23-01-18, 09:04 AM
I was told by my old surgery that I couldn’t leave unless I left the city. I later found out this wasn’t true and found a different surgery closer to home and much better that my previous doctors. I didn’t tell the first surgery I was leaving, I just registered with the new one let them sort it all out.

24-01-18, 09:24 PM
Thank you Suzi and Paula. I will speak with CAB

Thank you Stella, it is just im not registering with another GP so its not a straight swap

24-01-18, 09:45 PM
Don't be so sure lovely, give yourself some time to deal with things...