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View Full Version : Well that's Christmas cancelled

19-12-17, 07:49 AM
I hate Christmas I hate every part of they year from the beginning to the end.
All my life consists of is misery rowing and drugs. I let my husband talk me into having our son back as he is a drug addict. I feel like the wife who always brings up the affair in a row. Only its him coming back I have tried but it is not happening I am so tired. Everyone is happy cheerful full of Christmas and I can't wait to go back to work January 2nd and I have not finished working yet. Well as margo says in the good life Christmas has been cancelled. Took the cards down the tree is next and stuff all the hard work that goes with it. Our son waits for my husband who leaves first for work to have a go at me money wants days off from work and he has a responsible job well he has gone to work this morning because I started throwing stuff at him. Why is my life like this when other people around me are normal and yes my friends are normal. There should be a place where people can go that don't want Christmas an island somewhere

19-12-17, 08:49 AM
Oh hunni, I’m so sorry (panda)

19-12-17, 09:24 AM
Oh sweetheart - does your husband know how he is treating you?

19-12-17, 04:05 PM
Yes he is treating him the same way. We think well we know he has mental health problems he is very selfish and thoughtless no wonder he has no friends he treats them terrible we have told him he will end up with nobody but that doesn't bother him let's face it his parents don't want him who will. He has messed the Phoenix people about so no support from them. It makes me tired and unhappy no energy.

19-12-17, 10:30 PM
Oh lovely. Have you and your husband managed to get some time together so you can actually talk and form a plan?