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06-12-17, 12:18 PM
I'm kinda feeling really alone right now ....
I really am nervous at posting much on social media anyway cos i don't want work people to know how much i'm suffering .... feel it would somehow compromise my position

But i tentatively started sharing some posts that'd had been up for awarenss and other stories ..... just to see if anyone reacted...

Then my mom was rushed to hospital a couple of weeks ago with a blood clot ... she was in there for a few days and has been pretty much on thorough rest since ... so the days she normally looks after our daughter after school hasn't been possible, neither have sleepovers for the kids which they really enjoy.

Anyway - one of the posts i'd shared was a story about someone who feels suicidal but doesn't want to die.... which is kinda how i feel.

My dad told me on the way to the hospital that sharing that post "had scared them both half to death", especially my mom, and that post had been a day before her clot .....
So now i'm feeling like i made her feel worse.... now i feel like i can't even post anything .... that i can't talk to them cos my mom's now more fragile than before.....

I can't talk to my wife about this because she's becoming more a part of the problem ..... and the one person i'd been reaching out to recently has drifted away

Worse, my feelings are getting more that i just don't wanna live like this anymore.... just when i think things might be easing or changing - something else throws a curve ball

Yes i know this week has been especially bad as i've been off work ill and in pain because of it ..... but i feel more that the darkness is closing in and isolating me more than even before .... feels like leaving everything behind isn't the worst option anymore

Can't get referred to counselling cos i'm on a 3 month 'cool down' now w/ nhs

06-12-17, 01:36 PM
The best thing about this forum is that you can talk here. Sometimes it takes a while to get an answer, but don't look at that as a bad thing. If there is no one else to talk to, write it here. Use this like a diary, and when you next see your GP, just print out what is written here. It's a great tool and very useful if you don't see your GP frequently. Your GP can see immediately how you've been and can talk you through your options.

06-12-17, 04:11 PM
There are these helplines

And there's also the Samaritans and as magie said, there will always be someone here to listen

06-12-17, 05:03 PM
Got 2 more days off work (lucky someone can cover for me)..... then weekend and 1 more day before i go away for 4 nights

That might give me the space to reflect in the evenings in solitude and peace
Just don't have much fight in me this week.... don't think i've been this low before ... just feel i need to get away but i know that's not possible in any meaningful sense

06-12-17, 08:04 PM
Where are you going? I are you going with friends or family?

06-12-17, 08:40 PM
Where are you going? I are you going with friends or family?

Going away for a training course with work ... 4 days in Reading in a hotel. Just me

06-12-17, 09:40 PM
But it's with work, so will you be socialising together?

06-12-17, 10:51 PM
To be honest.... very likely not.... My social anxiety will kick in.... i will be ok with them during day but i'll retire to my room in the evening

07-12-17, 08:54 AM
Any chance you could push yourself (and yes I know it's really hard) to maybe be social for a bit? You never know, it might be good?

07-12-17, 10:02 AM
I know just how hard it would be to push yourself in the evening, and how exhausting, but it’s important to take those extra small steps whenever we can find it in us

07-12-17, 11:50 AM
To be honest.... it's highly unlikely i will.... and not just because of the reason outlined...
Basically in a noisy environment (pub/club/restaurant) i completely lose the ability to track peoples speech...

I have excellent hearing, really good frequency response for my age but if you imagine a group of say 6 people around a table in a bar or restaurant with that general background hubub .... i have to really really focus and strain to isolate even the person speaking close to me ...
Therefore in a group scenario i just get lost .... i lose the flow ... so add that to the fact that i don't like operating in 'new' groups and i generally clam up and end up saying nothing and the people on this course are all european (spanish mostly with pretty strong accents) then i just cannot deal with it all combined

07-12-17, 04:58 PM
Fair enough, I understand as I have the same problem. It’s an anxiety thing - it’s difficult to filter

07-12-17, 06:05 PM
Kind of sensory overload.... I sympathise.

07-12-17, 07:47 PM
Maybe being away and having quiet evenings means that you’ll have the opportunity to put things into compartments in your mind and help you break thoughts down into more manageable chunks.
One thing I’d say about hotel.. if you’re in the hotel on your own (ie not with work colleagues) then try and push yourself to go to the bar for your dinner rather than in your room. Take a newspaper so you don’t feel uncomfortable. But try not to lock yourself in with room service. Just hearing others around you (with no pressure to interact) will ultimately be more relaxing than cooped up in the room

07-12-17, 09:26 PM
Fair enough, I understand as I have the same problem. It’s an anxiety thing - it’s difficult to filter

Is that what it is??? I've had it for a while now (quite a few years) but never twigged on what it was...
I even asked my counsellor (1st one) about it as it is a reason i don't enjoy being out
He'd not heard of it

07-12-17, 09:28 PM
Maybe being away and having quiet evenings means that you’ll have the opportunity to put things into compartments in your mind and help you break thoughts down into more manageable chunks.
One thing I’d say about hotel.. if you’re in the hotel on your own (ie not with work colleagues) then try and push yourself to go to the bar for your dinner rather than in your room. Take a newspaper so you don’t feel uncomfortable. But try not to lock yourself in with room service. Just hearing others around you (with no pressure to interact) will ultimately be more relaxing than cooped up in the room

I'll do that (partly anyway) ... i don't intend to eat in the restaurants because i'm trying to watch my food and hotel meals are a bit much - but i will have my dinner, then take my Kindle down into the bar and just chill out and read something fun

07-12-17, 09:45 PM
Is that what it is??? I've had it for a while now (quite a few years) but never twigged on what it was...
I even asked my counsellor (1st one) about it as it is a reason i don't enjoy being out
He'd not heard of it

Yep, rather than a hum of conversation, I hear every single conversation in detail, it seems, and my brain can’t take it. It’s exhausting

07-12-17, 10:51 PM
Yep, rather than a hum of conversation, I hear every single conversation in detail, it seems, and my brain can’t take it. It’s exhausting

Different for me .... i simply cannot tune in to who's speaking if there's the hum of conversation around ... it just doesn't 'stand out' for me ... even if i'm intently focussed on them i can usually barely hear them ..... so when you're in a group and the conversation is flipping between people like it does i frankly cannot track it and lose the ability to contribute

08-12-17, 08:56 AM
I know for my lovely husband he has similar sensations - for him it's a mix of anxiety, social phobia and sensory overload.

10-12-17, 10:12 PM
Going to see doctors in the morning .... finally sick of the jaw clenching side-effect of Citalopram....
It's causing me to take chunks out of my tongue & cheeks when i'm asleep and its super painful.

Never did it before in my life prior to these tablets so it's gotta be causal.

Dunno what i'll end up with

11-12-17, 08:16 AM
I'm glad you're going to talk it all over with your Dr. That's really important. Let us know how you get on?

11-12-17, 09:55 AM
Just got one of the nurse practioners since it was a 'walk in' appointment .... Have switched onto Sertraline 50mg
Didn't give me much in the way of advice/guidance on how to switch though ...

Absolute agony in my mouth today .... did a right bite on the tongue and took a massive chunk out and blood on the pillow :(
Just such a stupid random side-effect but my tongue and cheek are a right mess now

11-12-17, 10:06 AM
Well done for going and talking to them.

11-12-17, 10:39 AM
I’m not surprised you don’t want to deal with that side effect. Can you get a telephone appt with a gp to talk about how to do the changeover?

11-12-17, 11:01 AM
Well, she did give some vague advice about dropping to every other day for a week or so...

I've done some reading and looks like a reasonable approach would be to do that for a few days ... then maybe do 1/2 tablet (10mg) for a few more days then stop for a couple days before starting with the sertraline. Although there is some people that suggest that because both tablets are short-life SSRI's then a rapid changeover might be possible given they both have similar methods

Basically given the tablet has a 1/2 life of 36 hours then weaning off over a period of 5 1/2 lives seems the accepted approach.

11-12-17, 12:37 PM
Just remember that you are likely to have withdrawal and starting side effects at the same time - the more carefully you reduce it should help the side effects...

11-12-17, 08:18 PM
Think it should be ok to taper down over this week. Only been on couple months. Only just finished second box.
Going to do 10mg every 2 days until Sunday then leave 1 day before starting again

12-12-17, 09:38 AM
That sounds sensible.

12-12-17, 11:56 AM
It can be quite difficult so please be kind to yourself this week.

12-12-17, 12:06 PM
It can be quite difficult so please be kind to yourself this week.

Easier said than done ..... i'm usually pretty hard on myself - not really even sure anymore how to be kind to me.
I've just had 10mg today ... nothing yesterday, 20mg on sunday .... so far so good (don't feel weird / off)
Still disrupted my sleep last night with more tongue biting :(
Hope this is one that doesn't re-manifest itself with Sertraline...

12-12-17, 05:13 PM
Jamie is it this week you’ve got your work hotel stay? How’s that going?

12-12-17, 05:17 PM
Jamie is it this week you’ve got your work hotel stay? How’s that going?

Hi - yes - arrived pretty late last night .... so just went to the subway next door for 'dinner' and crashed out
I'm ok at work ... i seem to switch into a different mode ... sat next to someone who i actually know which is nice
Not sure whether i'll go out tonight though ... just pretty tired still from the week off ill last week and the remaining symptoms (sinuses + sneezes) .... so just don't have the energy and want to try and use this time to recoup

12-12-17, 07:19 PM
Are you eating and drinking enough?

12-12-17, 09:14 PM
Yes thank you Suzi .... had hotel breakfast, pea soup for lunch then got some nibbles from supermarket on way back to hotel ... Not drinking as much water as i do when i'm home (usually drink many litres at home) but definitely had a good amount.

Don't feel anything from the lower ad dosage yet ... we'll see how it goes this week

13-12-17, 07:54 AM
Glad that you're eating and drinking enough - although are nibbles ok for dinner?

13-12-17, 09:01 AM
Glad that you're eating and drinking enough - although are nibbles ok for dinner?

I'm fine - i am controlling what i eat because i am, after many years, caring about my intake .... so yes ... what i ate was sufficient for what i allocation i had left
I track my intake on a site, myfitnesspal, have done all year....
Food, at the moment, is the only thing i actually feel in-control of ... everything else is all over the place .... tried talking to my wife again at the weekend about how i was doing and she just doesn't get it still ... she always tried to make light of the situation or make jokes ... whether its her only way of response i dunno but it doesn't help

13-12-17, 10:14 AM
It's difficult for others to understand when we can't find the words ourselves. Perhaps show your wife your posts here. You've explained yourself very well here. She might learn something here that she doesn't already know that might give her a further insight into how you are feeling.

13-12-17, 10:35 AM
It's difficult for others to understand when we can't find the words ourselves. Perhaps show your wife your posts here. You've explained yourself very well here. She might learn something here that she doesn't already know that might give her a further insight into how you are feeling.

I think it would be too much for her to read what i've written .... i think it would shock her as i've been a lot more blunt on here than i appear to anyone near me

Like i said on my original post in this thread ... i'm scared to talk to my parents now - given what they said when my mom got rushed to hospital....
My wife and i just don't spend much time 'talking' .... when the kids are finally in bed asleep its usually past 9 and we both want some space ....
Just feels like there's so little love or caring between us these days .... i'm kinda scared myself that i don't love her as much anymore.... we don't have a love life anymore - i don't want to be intimate - just don't feel passion towards her

13-12-17, 01:21 PM
Depression (and ADs) have an effect on libido. It’s a common effect that most struggle with so your lack of intimacy with you wife is very possibly for that reason rather than you not wanting her.

These are the things your wife needs to know - most people who haven’t had to deal with depression don’t get that the symptoms are often physical as well as mental. To get through this as a family, she needs to know what you’re going through. Without knowing this, she can’t help you.

13-12-17, 01:47 PM
I've decided to write a letter instead..... i feel like i can write it 100x better than having that conversation face-to-face ..... since i'm away from home for a couple more nights then she's got time to read / digest / process it without the pressure of me staring at her or trying to have a conversation with one or both of crying / breaking down and it ending up a mess where i just end up clamming up

I know its not as personal but i think i just need to say it at this point .... once that step is done then maybe she'll have a clearer understanding of how things are right now

13-12-17, 02:09 PM
I think that's a really good step to take. But take it from me and tell her how things really are. If you have any feelings for her - tell her...

13-12-17, 02:18 PM
I have tried.... i guess with this step at least if she's digested this bit it might at least make that big step smaller...
I dunno .... i really don't know what i feel - it flips almost daily

13-12-17, 03:07 PM
Tell her that too. And then start keeping a mood diary. ;)

14-12-17, 08:02 AM
Well I sent the email last night and included a few links to some common resources. Explained at high level how I was and how much I struggle still with both general mood and suicidal ideation
Her response was very mixed... Partly serious but still ignoring a key point and saying something which winds me up
Hopefully once I'm home this weekend we can find time to talk properly

14-12-17, 09:47 AM
Most people have absolutely no idea what’s the right thing to say in these situations. Remember, she’s not in your head and probably doesn’t know how to react and what the key point is. Now you’ve opened up to her a bit you can both start trying to work out how you can help each other through this.

14-12-17, 01:54 PM
What did she say to wind you up?

14-12-17, 03:17 PM
What did she say to wind you up?

Doesn't matter - it's possible she responded out of reaction before actually reading it all anyway .... so i'll let it drop
Interactions today are back to as if nothing's happened .... so again ... just don't know if it's sinking in or whether i'm just being over sensitive....

I've never been one to ask much of others for myself .... i've never cried for attention (not directly anyway) .... i guess i just want 'something' .... acknowledgement .... something .... i dunno

14-12-17, 03:26 PM
Might also be a bit of withdrawal today .... probably only had maybe 20% of the dosage that i would normally have no for the week before starting the sertraline this coming Saturday

Feeling a bit irritable.... got headache today and feeling overall a bit drained ..... and no - i'm not going out for the 'class dinner' tonight
Just feeling crappy from snuffles still and headache .... think its catching up with me .
Probably haven't drunk enough water either ..... since it's not cheap in the office

14-12-17, 04:16 PM
Sounds like withdrawal to me .... big hugs, Jamie, I know how tough changing ADs is

14-12-17, 06:12 PM
Thanks. Body is suffering. Sinus cold has come back too today. Just want some time out ...

14-12-17, 08:45 PM
I think Paula is right and it sounds like withdrawal and a mix with sinus stuff too - that doesn't sound nice. You have my every sympathy. I hope tomorrow is brighter.

14-12-17, 09:16 PM
Thanks guys. Being able to pour out the negativity on here does help a bit.
Suppose it was foolish or naive to assume I'd get away without withdrawal

14-12-17, 09:23 PM
It’s crap but it does pass. You just need to be kind to yourself until it passes (bear)

15-12-17, 08:04 AM
Hope today is brighter for you.

15-12-17, 09:36 AM
Didn't get any sleep last night really. Was really hot all night and sinuses were painful
Haven't gone into the training today. Decided to head home and rest
Will have a quite afternoon since kids are having a sleepover at their Nana

15-12-17, 09:37 AM
Rest sounds like a very good plan today (bear)

15-12-17, 01:43 PM
Can you take something for the sinuses? Glad you're putting you first and getting some rest.

15-12-17, 02:52 PM
Can you take something for the sinuses? Glad you're putting you first and getting some rest.

Yeah - am taking sinutab .... its kinda holding it bay

15-12-17, 08:24 PM
Hope you're feeling a bit brighter.

15-12-17, 09:58 PM
Got home... feeling better for being at home...
Took 1st Sertraline (been off Citalopram now for 3 days)
Keeping Sinuses under control

Going to see Star Wars with my son tomorrow so i am looking forward to that.

16-12-17, 10:10 AM
Have fun!

16-12-17, 11:25 AM
Sounds brilliant!

16-12-17, 08:40 PM
Mom irritated me this morning.... was talking about the change in meds.... we were talking about meds in general as mom just started on some anti-coagulant type drugs.... i said about how i was feeling over past few days .... she then just says "think i'd rather just have depression"

I know it was probably said without too much thought but it does get to me that they don't really believe in this all.

16-12-17, 08:51 PM
Sweetheart unless you've lived with it you have no idea. I have no idea about how bad things have been for my husband, but I do have some understandings... I'm pleased that you've at least started talking to her about how you are feeling.

17-12-17, 06:21 PM
My husband didn’t have the first idea how to talk to me and help me when I became seriously ill. It took time and work from both of us to be able to understand each other (because I had to understand the impact my health has on him too). Now, though, we’re open and honest with each other and our relationship is stronger as a result.

18-12-17, 04:30 PM
Those who love us are often the last people who can understand how difficult it is to go through depression. I know that even though I was spending almost every day with my sister she found it very difficult to understand how sick I was. Just have patients and they will come round. They will learn how difficult it is for someone with depression to just get up and function day to day.

21-12-17, 07:48 AM
Don't know what to do ....

Tongue biting is back :( :( :( Tongue is now a mess again already
Last week while i was coming off t he Citralopram for a couple days the symptoms of that went .... had the first peaceful nights sleep in weeks..... Now i'm on the Sertraline .... its back already :(
So either it's a cause by the tablets themselves or by the increased levels of seratonin that the tablets cause

If its the latter then where does that leave me regarding treatment?

21-12-17, 09:11 AM
It may be something other than side effects like, for instance, stress. I’d suggest talking to your GP before making any decisions re treatment

21-12-17, 02:51 PM
I completely agree about talking to your GP. Can you call and ask for a telephone appointment.

21-12-17, 06:05 PM
I have never had this problem before in my life even when i was at worst .... started slowly and got worse as the weeks on the AD's progressed..... being off them for 3 days last week while i transitioned made it stop almost overnight ..... now i'm back on the sertraline it's come straight back again after a couple days.

Our surgery doesn't do phone appointments ..... plus you end up speaking with a nurse practioner anyway who i saw last week if you go in for the walk-in service.

She wasn't that bothered as its a high churn quick triage service .... it'll be weeks before i can get to see a doctor properly

Think i'm going to stop the meds .... can't cope with the pain over xmas and it'll just ruin whatever enjoyment i might derive

21-12-17, 09:53 PM
I would urge caution about just stopping..

29-12-17, 02:00 PM
How was Christmas for you?

29-12-17, 07:20 PM
How was Christmas for you?

Very mixed .... spending time at home with family actually makes things worse .... i feel more isolated .... since i wrote that letter to wife about how i was it's simply not been brought up ... so i don't even know if she read it .... was kinda hoping she'd make the first move on that.
She's acting though as if she's not though....

Dreading going back to work but don't wanna be at home ..... don't wanna be anywhere at the moment just alone

Tried planning a couple of fun activities over the holiday but let down by both friends and family on both of them - so just feeling why bother anymore
Don't know what to do anymore - just don't wanna be here right now ;(

29-12-17, 09:43 PM
I'm sorry you're feeling so rubbish. Can you get to your Dr to tell them how bad you really are feeling?

30-12-17, 12:15 AM
I have appointment on 4th Jan with my regular doctor again - assuming they're back.
I guess switching AD's didn't help - assuming the new ones aren't really 'working' yet so this could be a negative side effect? Worse before better?

30-12-17, 07:43 AM
OK remind me, how long have you been on meds, how quickly did you stop and change over? Remember it takes roughly 4 - 6 weeks for the anti d to get into your system, then the same length of time for each change - so you could be dealing with withdrawal and starting effects at the same time....

30-12-17, 08:45 AM
I'd been on citalopram 20mg for 8 weeks. Stopped over 5 days and took break for 3 days. Then started sertraline 50mg around 2 weeks ago

30-12-17, 09:20 AM
Then, yes, you’re probably struggling with both withdrawal and side effects from starting again. It’s going to be a few more weeks before you start feeling positive benefits, I’m afraid. It’s tough and you really need to be kind to yourself - rest where you can, try to do some positive things if you can. It does get better (bear)

30-12-17, 10:09 AM
What did you like to do before you got sick? Was it puzzles, reading, writing or anything like that? If you could do one thing today from your 'old' life what would that be? Try to do one thing today that you really miss. It might be going for a long walk or taking a run, whatever and when it's done you will have the satisfaction of saying today I did that. And I enjoyed it.

30-12-17, 11:35 AM
'Fraid it sounds like I thought it was - withdrawal and starting side effects, bear with it lovely...

31-12-17, 01:09 PM
How are you today?

31-12-17, 01:37 PM
Not too bad.... Just feeling a lot of apathy

31-12-17, 01:43 PM
Have you eaten, drank enough water and taken your meds?

31-12-17, 03:51 PM
This will pass, Jamie (bear)

31-12-17, 04:16 PM
Maybe. Hopefully something will change sooner or later.
Suicidal ideation has been strong and consistent this past month

31-12-17, 07:18 PM
Sooner or later something will change. You can get through this. Keep talking because it does help...

01-01-18, 04:43 PM
Thursday for docs appointment -- will discuss as much as i can

01-01-18, 05:07 PM
Sorry, could you remind me whether you’d show your doctor any of the posts here?

01-01-18, 06:53 PM
Sorry, could you remind me whether you’d show your doctor any of the posts here?

I dunno ... haven't in the past

01-01-18, 07:23 PM
I'd suggest printing them out and showing your GP lovely - it'll help break the ice and say what you need to.

04-01-18, 11:27 AM
Got back from doctors ..... on the roundabout again...

Been switched away from SSRI's since i'm getting strong reaction and bruxism at night which is causing me to chew my tongue & cheek badly

He's moved me onto Mirtazapine 15mg
Not particularly happy about the likely appetite stimulant side-effect since i'm already very overweight and part of my mental battle has been trying to remedy that situation .... so making me hungry is going to make depression worse if i stop losing weight because of this as it's already a strong part of my problem.

04-01-18, 01:23 PM
Or ..... mirtazapine is the drug you need for the depression to start lifting and it’ll be less of a slog for you to stick to your weight management programme.

Do you exercise? Could you increase the amount of exercise you do to counteract any increased appetite?

04-01-18, 01:36 PM
Or ..... mirtazapine is the drug you need for the depression to start lifting and it’ll be less of a slog for you to stick to your weight management programme.

Do you exercise? Could you increase the amount of exercise you do to counteract any increased appetite?

I know .... glass is half full / empty mentality ....

I just fear getting massive hunger pangs etc.... its a weak area for me so fear is back...

I need to exercise more but motivation has been major problem .... mainly down to poor sleep / energy ... so one positive might be that the new meds could improve sleep and allow me to have more mental capacity / energy to get things done ...

Who knows

04-01-18, 03:22 PM
Give them a try and see how you go. You can always ask about changing them if they don't work for you.

04-01-18, 03:56 PM
Aye .. i will ... got a follow up appointment with doc in 3 weeks anyway....

Odd thing he was talking more about an SNRI but ended up with these...
He was going to give me Venlafaxine i thought until i read the prescription

04-01-18, 04:20 PM
You could join me/us on a healthy eating and moving more thing? Many of us are trying to lose weight....

04-01-18, 10:30 PM
You could join me/us on a healthy eating and moving more thing? Many of us are trying to lose weight....

Heathy eating thing i've been doing now for over a year .... lost getting on for 6 stone so far.
Moving more..... that's my problem :)

05-01-18, 10:40 AM
Wow, that's an amazing weight loss!

05-01-18, 10:50 AM
Mirtazapine: May cause drowsiness on the box.....

What a HELL of an understatement..... should read "Will cause 10 hours of zombie like sleep followed with horrendous trouble waking up"

Late for work this morning cos i slept so solidly ..... now that's a nice thing ... cos sleep is a problem for me but wow..... these things just knock me the hell out
Have to see how these go ... maybe i'll develop a tollerance for that element .

05-01-18, 11:13 AM
Ah yes, it does have that effect but it should, for the most part ease

05-01-18, 11:17 AM
Ok ... good to know ... Like i said, having a sedative effect isn't necessarily a bad thing as sleep / insomnia are problems for me .... but there's a difference between 'drowsy' warning and 'render you unconscious for 12 hours' :D :D

05-01-18, 11:20 AM
Lol absolutely. I was on mirtazapine for years and still managed to function once I got over the initial ‘might as well be under anaesthetic’ phase

05-01-18, 11:22 AM
Hope it settles for you lovely x

05-01-18, 11:36 AM
Guess i'm now going to be under another lot of withdrawal, 20 days since i stopped Citalopram (8 weeks on) and now 2 days since i stopped Sertraline (3 weeks on) especially since new ones are a different kind of AD

11-01-18, 10:08 AM
Seems like the sleep bits wearing off already .... definitely bad to 'normal' on sleep (waking up 4-5 times + slow to get to sleep) .... was a nice week at least when i got sleep...

Still a bit sluggish in the mornings (waking up is still hard)

Don't feel too bad though .... Appetite is 'normal' other than what Christmas did to me (almost ruined a years worth slow mental progress in controlling my eating impulses)
Still have appointment in 2 weeks to see GP on dose ... guessing he's going to up it to 30mg as he said that the 15 was just to start/ramp up.

11-01-18, 03:00 PM
Glad that you're feeling OK lovely. Sorry about the sleep, but you can work on that. Do you have good sleep hygiene?

11-01-18, 04:09 PM
It's good that you are feeling a bit better. Sleep hygiene must be the new buzz word on the block at the moment. I've been asked about it a few times in the last couple of weeks. I think I have good habits for evening times. I watch TV and take my meds and when I go to bed I never leave the light on. I say a few prayers and then I'm gone. But my problem is staying asleep. I can wake up to 5 times a night. It drives me nuts because even when Aisling was a baby I'd only be up once or twice with her.

12-01-18, 09:56 AM
Exactly Magie06 - i generally am able to get to sleep at a reasonable time. But, for example, last night i went to sleep at 10:30. I was awake at 11:45, 1:30, 3, 5:30 and then woken by alarm at 7

I don't touch caffeine after 3pm hard deadline.
I drink several litres of water a day
I don't eat sugary things late at night
I listen to stuff in the dark in bed rather than watching anything (some nice audiobook or a meditation or something)

But i sleep like crap

12-01-18, 02:18 PM
Have you kept a sleep diary and then shown that to the Dr?

12-01-18, 04:00 PM
@Suzi - i was referred to have a sleep study done in which i wore an oxymeter and motion detector .... the found nothing worrisome in that regard (sleep apnea or anything)

I'm exceptionally light sleeper ... have been for many years

12-01-18, 05:05 PM
I know others who find playing something like white noise helps them stay asleep... Have you ever tried something like that?