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View Full Version : Magic mushrooms 'promising' in depression

Trying hard
19-05-16, 07:14 AM
Would you take this option and do you think it could work?


A hallucinogenic chemical in magic mushrooms shows promise for people with untreatable depression, a short study on just 12 people hints.
Eight patients were no longer depressed after the "mystical and spiritual" experience induced by the drug.

S deleted
19-05-16, 07:38 AM
Getting a dozen people stoned using hallucinogenic drugs isn't a clinical trial. It's a party.

19-05-16, 07:43 AM
From other information I've read (via Rose), the study prohibited those who've been suicidal or have psychosis episodes. Which does suggest the patients concerned were on the more 'moderate' side of moderate to severe. And the group studied was very small. So I do question the validity of the study.

On a more personal level, having experienced a ketamine infusion for pain, and how horrendous that was in terms of hallucinations and the impact that had on me, I would not take this option in a million years!

19-05-16, 10:34 AM
I saw the article on FB and I'd be very wary of taking anything of a hallucinogenic nature.

19-05-16, 10:43 AM
I'd try almost anything I think to get rid of some of my issues - but I agree that it isn't really a "proper" clinical trial...

19-05-16, 10:50 AM
After seeing what drugs ( and to me they are a drug,) can do to people and families it is something I wouldn't even give a try once.

19-05-16, 11:50 AM
Paula has said what I was going to say :)

Although it's nice that people are trying unusual methods, I am really not sure about this study!

21-05-16, 09:44 PM
I saw a headline about this somewhere else but didn't get a chance to look at it. I think it's interesting. It is only a small sample so far but all these things have to start somewhere, and they are being reserved about the findings from what it says in the article. I wander how easy a larger trial would be, as it is a hallucinogen presumably those taking it have to be supervised during the experience? They seem to have done a 3 month follow up on those who have already participated, it might be nice to know how they progress beyond that to. Will be interesting to see how/if this progresses.

21-05-16, 10:56 PM
Just been having a bit of a Google on Hallucinogens and depression:
Found this from 2014 from the same people who conducted the study above http://edition.cnn.com/2014/09/17/health/magic-mushroom-chemical-depression/
Thought these were interesting too:
It seems to be something that has been looked at for some time but has been hindered by the outlawing of hallucinogens due to their recreational usage.