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View Full Version : Pregabalin withdrawal

28-03-16, 11:45 PM
I have been successfully withdrawing my dose by 25mg every two weeks following advice from my physc Dr. Tonight I started the first dose of 25mg which will last for two weeks until I am completely off it.
I don't think I have been experiencing withdrawal symptoms however I have been under the weather the past few weeks. I have recovered from severe tonsillitis and dehydration however still feeling very fatigued and still have slight sore throat but nothing like it was. I have lost total 5lb in last 3 weeks since I wasn't well. However this past week I have been eating a lot better and also getting through lots of cake and choc and sweets. However I was surprised with my weight loss of 2.5lb on scales at tonight's sw meeting. I have not been on plan since I fell I'll over 3 weeks ago. I am only getting weighed because I bought a 12 week countdown in Feb to try save money. I know whilst I was on pregabalin (around 4 1/2 years) I put on weight and battled with myself trying to loose it. I wonder if this unexplained weight loss this week is because of the withdrawal. Lol. I wouldn't mind that being a withdrawal symptom. As long as my weight loss isn't linked to anything else. I can't stop peeing and this wakes me most nights. I am also drinking more water because I am paranoid of dehydrating again. Am also experiencing night sweats and I can't stand being in a warm room. I used to always need the heating on. Now I switch it off and need the window open, even at night. My dh and kids complain it's cold in the house but I am not feeling it. I'm getting bad headaches and fatigue but this is something I suffered with before I started withdrawing. However I have been more fatigued and needing day time naps. I don't know if my recent hospital experience has made me into a hypochondriac as I keep checking Internet for symptoms and feeling very anxious or if this is part of withdrawal symptoms. I will call my gp and try to get appointment ASAP. I suspect gp will be busy after bank holiday. I just know I am not right since coming out of hospital. It's bad timing withdrawing but I only have prescription for the dose I have now and doc knew I was withdrawing and didn't suggest not to. Sorry for long winded post. Just needed to write that down before going to sleep. Although I have been in bed already for past two hours.

29-03-16, 09:51 AM
I'm glad you're going to be talking to your GP about this - just to rule anything else out as much as getting help with it? Maybe the cut down has been too rapid at the end? How long have you been reducing for?

30-03-16, 11:03 AM
I was feeling chills and feeling restless when the doc started to take me off them, funny first week or so i did not feel anything but i am glad that your seeing your doctor shine. Do exactly what he/she tells you to do. I hope you are feeling better today at least.

30-03-16, 03:11 PM
I wonder if it may be because you're coming off Pregabalin. You said you battled with your weight when you were on it (before tapering off). I wonder if maybe your metabolism is speeding up as a result of reducing it? Yes, have a word with your GP, it's probably something fairly simple. Do you have a thyroid issue? I've had to stop looking on the internet regarding symptoms.....I had just about every illness known to man!:s...hope you feel better soon. You've really been through the mill!