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14-03-16, 12:56 AM
Anyone remember games from your child hood?
I remember battleship i got once for christmas. And snakes and ladders of course also yatzee was a good one i liked to play with my mum and dad. There was a cracking horse racing game that you wound up but i cant remember the name.
So go on what was your favorite?

14-03-16, 01:03 AM
Monopoly, magnetic football, Ludo, Sorry & Lexicon to name but a few.

14-03-16, 02:02 AM
Frustration, Operation. Being quite an odd child I spent more time reading then anything else!

14-03-16, 08:29 AM

14-03-16, 08:35 AM
I love Yahtzee - me, my brother, my parents and surrogate grandparents used to play at least once a fortnight. Fond memories. And of course, I was one of the original Trivial Pursuit generation :)

14-03-16, 12:44 PM
I've never played yahtzee..

14-03-16, 02:05 PM
I've heard of Yahtzee but never played it.

I used to play spillikins though can't exactly remember the rules.

14-03-16, 02:11 PM
Spillikins? I've never heard of it.. Ahhh I've googled and I do know it! My Dad had a set and we were allowed to play once in a blue moon..
Same as "pick up sticks". I wonder what happened to his set?

14-03-16, 02:14 PM
Spillikins? I've never heard of it.. Ahhh I've googled and I do know it! My Dad had a set and we were allowed to play once in a blue moon..
Same as "pick up sticks". I wonder what happened to his set?

From what I remember it was played with thin plastic sticks of various colours.

14-03-16, 02:16 PM
Mister Potato Head where you had all these parts eyes, noses, ears etc you stuck in a potato to make a funny face.

14-03-16, 04:50 PM
Frustration, Operation. Being quite an odd child I spent more time reading then anything else!

Apparently that is how they train the new doctors in the N.H.S with operation. If they touch the side then they have o re sit that year.

14-03-16, 04:51 PM
I used to like magnetic football. But i fell over the pitch and broke the legs. I had a cracking Fisher price garage with a ramp and lift that wound up. Brilliant hours of fun.

19-03-16, 02:45 AM
Mousetrap and Operation.

Trying hard
11-05-16, 09:41 PM
Still play most of these with my youngest :D

Never heard of spillikins

some others \kerplunk, sorry, guess who,
ones we love now is the modern game of life, hobbit, risk and cluedo

16-05-16, 08:11 PM
Kerplunk was fun but like mousetrap it took too long to set up. I love snakes and ladders and when we got to the top we would go up the snakes and down the ladders all the way to the bottom.

02-07-16, 11:44 AM
Did any of you play Rounders? Boys vs girls.

02-07-16, 11:53 AM
Did any of you play Rounders? Boys vs girls.

I never played rounders but my sister did.

02-07-16, 12:01 PM
Rounders, hockey, netball, kerplunk, monopoly, frustration, connect 4, Hide and seek, hopscotch, tyeing ropes round the lamp posts and swinging round them

04-07-16, 02:33 AM
it seems like children played the same sort of games but with different names.
British bulldog was a fav at my school.

11-07-16, 10:17 AM
One of my favourites was my Sketch-O-Matic, sort of like the I-Pad of it's day

25-07-16, 09:48 PM
Chloe has a etch o sketch and Spirograph. Sh loves drawing with it.

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25-07-16, 11:04 PM

26-07-16, 09:10 AM
God stella, that was a few years ago LOL.

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26-07-16, 11:13 AM
Not something I was especially good at but the girls in that video sure knew what they were doing. Nowadays double dutch has been taken to a whole new level