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View Full Version : Binge eating and depression **Trigger Warning**

31-01-16, 04:59 PM
:sHi everyone. This is my first post. I wanted to write a post on here about binge eating and depression.
I have been diagnosed with depression and I currently see a counsellor 1 a week for an hour. The sessions are soon coming to an end. I think I may have an eating problem that I think has been going on since about August/September 2015 and I feel it is getting worse. I don't know what to do I just can't stop eating and I feel so low because of everything. I haven't cried in such a long time and I can't remember the last time that I actually felt genuinely happy. My whole life seems to be slowly falling apart. There's just so much happening all at once.
Suicidel thoughts, my cutting urges, sleeping issues, being very irritated, feeling to drink alcohol. I feel like there's no way out anymore. I just want to disappear forever.
I don't know if I have a binge eating disorder but I know my eating habits is very strange and it feels as though it may be classed as that. Am I actually developing it too? I've been trying to research about medications to go on to help my depression and anxiety, but what about an eating disorder?
I don't know where I am going with this post but I just want to try and understand things a bit better and maybe it can help someone in the process perhaps?

31-01-16, 05:43 PM
Hi Tryingtosurvive, welcome to the site(hi)
Well done for getting a diagnosis and for seeking councelling. Have you mentioned your concerns about this in particular to your councellor? If your sessions are coming to an end it might be something you need to bring up as it sounds like you will need further support.
I think we can turn to all sorts of things as coping mechanisms when we are suffering with the way we are feeling, and that it's about trying to feel differently in that moment, if only for a while. Some of those mechanisms can be very unhealthy and bad for us, and you've mentioned quite a few there. You asked if you were developing it, and I think it can be like that in the sense that we build on any bad habit by repeating it, but that you sound aware of it suggests you may be able to nip it in the bud with healthier ways of coping and I hope your councellor has been able, or will be able, to offer better ways. It sounds like you are very unhappy generally so I guess there may be a lot of problems that lie behind it all, and you've mentioned not being able to cry so there may be a build up of things?
I don't know about specific medications for eating disorders, if you do have one, but I think that many anti-depressants help in a general way by helping us feel more stable and better able to cope, and that in turn helps us to regulate behaviours and find better strategies that aren't harmful to us. Have you been prescribed any medication for depression?

31-01-16, 06:18 PM
Hi and welcome to DWD. think that you really need to see your Dr about your eating, suicidal thoughts, cutting and alcohol as these aren't the best ways of dealing with how you are feeling.

31-01-16, 06:20 PM
Hi and welcome! Are you on any medication at the moment? I would really advise speaking to your GP about how your feeling and please speak to someone if you feel like hurting yourself.

31-01-16, 06:22 PM
Hi there, and welcome to DWD. You should go see your doctor, and print off your post here and show it to the doc. Good luck!

31-01-16, 08:14 PM
Thank you all so much for responding!
I am not on any medicine at all although I have been thinking about it quite a bit recently. I haven't spoken to my counsellor about my eating at all, I think that, that may be a good idea at the next session. I am only just starting to get used to my counsellor and am starting to feel more comfortable talking as well. I do find myself a bit tense though (lack of trust perhaps). I think that maybe I should show the post I made so that we can maybe talk through it.
With medicine for depression, how effective is it compared to just counselling?

31-01-16, 08:43 PM
Hi and welcome. Anti-Depressants are not a cure but what they can do is help stabilise your mood so giving you the opportunity and support you need to change or deal with whatever is triggering depression. But you really need to discuss all this with your dr.

Have a look around the forum, we're a friendly bunch :)

31-01-16, 08:58 PM
I'm glad that you are talking and opening up to your counsellor - it's not always an easy thing to do...