View Full Version : General Chit Chat

  1. DWD Recipe Thread
  2. Meeting the DWD ers...
  3. Long time no see! :)
  4. Weather thread
  5. Covid-19
  6. Flo'ing Along
  7. Mike's Manse
  8. What makes you want to go arghhhhhhh!!
  9. That sinking feeling
  10. Lent
  11. DWD virtual coffee morning
  12. Happy Easter!
  13. The Sanctuary Bible Study
  14. Prince Philip
  15. Happy birthday Stella!
  16. New Beginnings
  17. Sissies united
  18. One a day….
  19. Merry Christmas 2021
  20. Happy birthday Pen!
  21. Happy new year
  22. New Years Resolutions?
  23. Happy Birthday Princess Sparkles
  24. Happy birthday DWD!
  25. Before and After- DWD Edition
  26. Happy birthday SM
  27. Happy birthday Mike!
  28. Happy Valentines Day
  29. Happy birthday Suzi!
  30. General Check In...
  31. Happy birthday Selena!
  32. Happy St Patricks Day!
  33. I have news!!!
  34. Happy birthday Stella!
  35. Happy Star Wars Day!
  36. Happy birthday, Magie!
  37. Eurovision 2022
  38. Disability
  39. Being touched by music.
  40. Happy Jubilee weekend!
  41. Back to school
  42. How are you?
  43. The Queen
  44. Interview tomorrow
  45. Covid
  46. Putting the kettle on...
  47. Happy birthday Jaq!
  48. Morning check in!
  49. Bloody Covid
  50. Happy New Year!
  51. Good morning!
  52. Happy birthday Paula!!!!
  53. Happy birthday DWD!
  54. Music
  55. Hair
  56. Happy Chinese New Year!
  57. Happy birthday SM
  58. Happy birthday Oldmike
  59. Burns Night
  60. Dydd Santes Dwynwen Hapus!
  61. Tinnitus
  62. Sunday check in!
  63. Happy birthday, suzi
  64. March 2023 General Chat
  65. Happy birthday Selena
  66. What are you watching?
  67. General Chit Chat - April 2023
  68. Self care day!
  69. April 2023 General Chat
  70. Summer's coming
  71. Suzi
  72. IMPORTANT Update (poss triggers)
  73. Saying goodbye
  74. Check in
  75. RIP Len Goodman
  76. New/old mod!
  77. IMPORTANT Suzi’s funeral information
  78. Happy birthday SJW180
  79. Happy birthday, Magie!
  80. The Future
  81. Thoughts of the Day
  82. Broken?
  83. Fundraiser in Suzi’s name
  84. Social situations
  85. CONGRATULATIONS Pen and Arty (party)
  86. Suzi Shaw MSc
  87. Congratulations pen and arty!
  88. Weather!
  89. Holiday!
  90. Thanks
  92. Time off
  93. New job!
  94. Mike's latest musings
  95. How is everybody?
  96. Where's Flo
  97. Happy birthday arty
  98. Happy, happy birthday jaq
  99. Suzi’s family
  100. Suzi - Grief at Christmas
  101. Christmas Day
  102. Happy christmas!!!
  103. New Year
  104. Happy birthday Paula!!!
  105. Doing pretty OK!
  106. Happy birthday DWD!
  107. Wedding!
  108. Sorry!
  109. Happy birthday, mike
  110. Happy birthday SM
  111. Happy heavenly birthday, Suzi
  112. I’m whispering this
  113. How’s tricks?
  114. Happy Easter!
  115. Journaling
  116. Yay! We’re back!
  117. Happy birthday to our wonderful Magie
  118. Good morning DWDers!
  119. Happy Fathers Day